Branding/Identity, Layout, Graphics, Visualisation, Photography
clients: Argyll & bute council, scottish government
role: lead designer
Helensburgh Making Places is an economic regeneration project seeking to provide a joined-up approach to making Helensburgh an attractive and welcoming place in which to live, work, visit and invest.
Through joint funding from Argyll and Bute Council and Scottish Government, designers and community engagement specialists, icecream architecture and Willie Miller Urban Design were selected to deliver the project, commencing in May 2018.

Cover image of report
I lead the design on the report, creating a visual identity for the project and producing graphics, visualisations and photographs. This was achieved with feedback from the project’s steering group.

Helensburgh visualisation created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Helensburgh visualisation created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Helensburgh visualisation created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Page from Helensburgh: Making Places report

Page from Helensburgh: Making Places report

Page from Helensburgh: Making Places report