Interpretation, Exhibition, Visualisation
 Client: Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
Role: Interpretation Designer

As part of my Master's work, I was invited by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland to create an interpretation plan for an exhibition in one of their education spaces. After extensive research into the history of the site, I decided to focus on their often overlooked botanical inhabitants. 
The following is from the introduction of the plan:
Visualisations created with AutoCad, Sketchup, V-ray and Photoshop.
The botanical Kingdom: Prospering plants & 
how they provide
When visiting a facility in which strange and exotic animals from all over the world are housed and displayed, it is easy to overlook the less animated and sentient inhabitants of Edinburgh Zoo. However, the park has a long history of botany and horticulture that predates the zoo itself. In fact, the most senior residents of the zoo are those of the tree-variety.
Of course, the plant-life has significantly altered over the last hundred years, often in parallel with the growth and diversity of the animal residents. In some cases, plant and animal would not exist on site if it weren’t for one-another. Additionally, conservation, research and ecological maintenance also play a big part in the zoo’s horticultural heritage.

 Visitor experience
THE BOTANICAL KINGDOM aims to enlighten visitors about the zoo’s impressive plant and tree collection and shine a light on the park a place of botanical significance. It aims to explore some of the reasons for the acquisition and maintenance of the various species of tree and plant. Visitors will learn about the botanical evolution of the zoo over the last century and will be able to explore the importance of trees and botany in the context of Edinburgh zoo, the animal kingdom and cultural folklore.
The exhibition aims to appeal to a wide audience, including those with an interest in horticulture and botany and those who might be visiting the zoo for other reasons. Therefore, there is a mix of interactive, creative and informative exhibits. Each exhibit bears a name relevant to the concept of a kingdom.
The exhibition will be designed to resemble nature, with earthy tones and materials (wood, MDF etc,). Flora will be incorporated into the design where appropriate (not only as exhibit components but also as decoration).
The exhibits will be largely be informed by sources available on site, including tree and plant surveys kept by the gardening team, data and information about the day-to-day maintenance of the park from head gardener Robert Harden, conversations with animal caretakers, archival information about zoo acquisitions and archival photographs/ film footage. It will also be informed by The Botanical Strategy for Edinburgh Zoo, which was written by Simon Jones.
Additionally sources will include the International Conifer Conservation Programme, the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens and the National Trust.
The interpretation plan was exhibited and presented at the 2018 Royal Zoological Society of Scotland AGM.
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